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Sunday, June 21, 2009

♥ Feeling Good About Ourselves

I've posted on my last blog about insecurities. Now, it's about feeling good in our own self and not thinking about other's comments. Here are some examples:

How to feel good and beautiful

1.Smile. The number one thing you can do to feel beautiful is to smile more often. This will automatically put you in a better mood, and you'll receive more positive energy from other people as well.

2.Buy yourself a new shirt, pants or pair of shoes. Our self-esteem is closely linked with our consumerism. Your budget may allow you a Php60 shirt or a Php600 shirt; either way, a new article of clothing will give you a confidence boost.

3.Stick to your normal healthy routine. If you don’t have a healthy routine, pick one healthier thing to do today. Do not allow a bad day to give you permission to gorge or be lazy. These are the things that attack how you feel about yourself at the end of the day. Stay steady on your normal daily course.

4.Think of your body as an instrument. Stop looking at your body as an unmovable object and start thinking of it as something that can be tuned. Little tune-ups every morning (moisturizer, chapstick, a wink and a smile) will improve your sense of beauty.

5.Do something with your creativity, hobby or talent. Even if you worked hard today, do something that makes you who you are. When you accomplish something – even a small something - you care about, it makes you feel good. The television will not do this for you.

6.Kill them with kindness. Remember--the most beautiful people are usually the nicest and most appealing to be around for reasons other than their beauty.

7.Always think you're beautiful. Believe me, it will really make wonders.

There are still soooo many ways to feel good about yourself. Learn more at

Am i really never good enough for you?
1:56 AM
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Friday, June 19, 2009

♥ A day at schooL...

Today, as i walk towards my school, BUKIDNON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL, i felt kinda happy. I think i'm one of the most fortunate kids here on earth. It has loving teachers and students that truly appreciate you. As i continue my journey to learning, I found some boys scolded at the front of the gate. Mr. ___ was saying something like "come back here when you had your hair cut!". It was as if that phrase slapped them hard on the face. Well, they can't blame him for sending them away because of their stupid long hairs. Even one of them was wearing earrings. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Highschool really is kinda crazy. No, teenagers are kinda crazy. Shaking my head, I reached the classroom. I always feel bored in school. Thinking bout, what's the purpose of coming in here? But these thoughts quickly vanish as class starts and talking with classmates starts.
Whew! It's already third period and the next subject is ict. I'm kinda grateful of this subject because in here, I learned many things about computers such as the programs present in it and even all about it. I learned also in here how to join online contest particularly on the smartschools program in which my school is a member.
Another thing i liked in this institution is the principal. I think he's one of a kind because of the policies that he implemanted that truly benefited us students. He even sometimes cancel unimportant holiday for a day skipped in school will affect the pace of the lectures, especialy on the science class students like me.
And so, the day passes by through chatters, laughters and lessons learned. I'm excited for next week, for another day at school will start again. And so, I'll post something again next time I touch a keyboard.;-)

Am i really never good enough for you?
2:07 AM
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just Changed my lay-out. weeEEe! i feEl better now.;-)

Am i really never good enough for you?
2:02 AM
0 commented

Thursday, June 18, 2009

grrr! I hate my blog layout. the mp3's sticking out..Ugh!

Am i really never good enough for you?
7:05 PM
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Am i really never good enough for you?
5:56 AM
0 commented

All About Us
The most common problem with us girls is that we have so many qualities that we don't like about ourselves. It can be that we're smaller than our age or we have super duper big eyes. Thinking about these can be fatal to us. In all aspect of our lives. It can affect our family, studies, or even our social lives. But first, let's figure out what's this condition called.

Insecurity is a feeling of general unease or nervousness that may be triggered by perceiving oneself to be unloved, inadequate or worthless (whether in a rational or an irrational manner).

A person who is insecure lacks confidence in their own value and capability, trust in themselves or others, or has fears that a present positive state is temporary and will let them down and cause them loss or distress by "going wrong" in the future.

Insecurity may cause shyness, paranoia and social withdrawal, or alternatively it may encourage compensatory behaviors such as arrogance, aggression, or bullying, a principle enshrined in the phrase "all bullies are cowards." Many people suffer a period of insecurity during puberty, which gives rise to a lot of the stereotypical behaviors of adolescents.

Insecurity has many effects in a person's life. There are several levels of it. It nearly always causes some degree of isolation as a typically insecure person withdraws themselves to some extent. The greater the insecurity, the higher the degree of isolation. Insecurity is often rooted in a person during their childhood years. Like offense and bitterness, it grows in layer fashion, often becoming an immobilising force that sets a limiting factor in the person's life. Insecurity robs by degrees - the degree it is entrenched is the degree of power it has in the person's life.

Now, the question is, how can we prevent ourselves from feeling this kind of emotional stress?

Here are some tips:


Step 1
Identify the source of the problem. Knowing what is causing you worry or anxiety will help you to alleviate the problem.

Step 2
Define what emotion is triggered in you when you think of the issue you're feeling insecure about. Is it low self-esteem? Fear? Embarrassment?

Step 3
Remember that everyone has some insecurities, and that worrying about concerns is natural. You are not alone.

Step 4
Realize that your attitude may be part of the problem. Build a list of things that make you feel insecure and tackle them head-on. Note how you can go about accomplishing those things that make you feel anxiety.

Step 5
Consider a spiritual alternative to helping you cope if you can't seem to shake your insecurities on your own. Spiritual guidance can provide the strength and affirmation you need when getting through personal anxiety.

Step 6
Don't compare yourself to others. You are unique and have individual problems as well as solutions. You don't have to be like someone else to be normal.

Step 7
Focus on your strengths. Remind yourself something good about your personality, life or character each and every day. See:http://www.ehow.com/how_2060208_face-insecurities.html? for more info.

SEE? Guys, if we continue to treat ourselves like that, it can really affect us. So, before we start thinking how tall and beautiful she is, we must accept the fact that we our given our own unique qualities that can't be found on others.
Being insecure also leads to low self-esteem, anorexia, sleep disorders and many more.

Hope you learned something in here! I'll try to do more next time I make my posts. See yah! :-D

Am i really never good enough for you?
5:24 AM
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Another project has been given by our beloved teacher in ict. His name is...never mind. Maybe he'll go wild if i had put his name on the internet w/o asking for his permission. Well, anyways, my blog here would be about a problem which teens usually engage into. I wont be telling you about it here. It would be in my next post. I hope you'll learn something! (geez! gotta make it faster. Deadline's this coming Sunday!) :-)


Am i really never good enough for you?
5:13 AM
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    Cleofe (:
    14 June'95

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